Determination… in the days of Omicron

ballet class at All That Jazz

Determination. In light of the recent Omicron ubiquitousness, I have decided to take a month’s hiatus from highlighting our Core Values to once again discuss… Covid.  My son’s high school sent this in an email yesterday and it really resonated with me: “Given the omicron variant’s spread, symptoms are now the most important thing. Simply put, if you are symptomatic, then you must stay home. We must rely on mutual trust and honesty.  We’re in this together.”

At All That Jazz, we are also in this together and I am determined to keep our dance community safe and thriving, even during this difficult time.  I am thankful to all of you who have emailed me this weekend saying that either someone in your family has tested positive and you’re keeping your child home and/or your child has a cold, tested negative, and you’re keeping them home nonetheless.  We will get through this, but we all need to do our part to reach that “other side.”

It’s not all tough news though!  Kids will still be kids and watching all of them run back into the studios with such delight has been a treat to witness.  From the little ones flying into Miss Ellen’s arms saying how much they have missed her, to the older students excitedly going through the recital costume book, it’s all amazing.

One of the most touching moments occurred in the first class yesterday morning.  We had a new 2 year old joining the Twirling Tykes class and she was a little ambivalent about leaving her mom and joining in on this new, albeit fun, activity.  You could just feel her determination to succeed and power through her reluctance.  And, she did!  She made it through the whole class, no tears, and had a wonderful time- we were all so proud!

Watching this little girl conquer her fears actually brought tears to my eyes.  And, it instantly put everything back in perspective.  I feel like I am constantly fighting so hard to get back to pre-pandemic life, but our kids are still just growing up and going through all that entails, pandemic or no-pandemic.  Their determination to succeed in all aspects of their life is always so inspiring.  It is why we do we what we do and why we love our job so much!

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